By: Willie Tsai
Born out of necessity, Unions came into existence to create collective bargaining and a voice for those in the workplace against their employers. Historically unions have advocated for things such as better working conditions, safety, decent wages, and more. However, many have argued that the need for unions is no longer there and instead has only slowed down the growth and development of the US.
However, contrary to that many have argued that the impacts of unions centuries ago are still key today. Unions give workers a voice, allowing them to speak about hazards on the job without fear of retaliation. Unions also pour resources into training workers to do their jobs safely. When unions aren’t able to provide this training, workplace safety suffers. That’s why the Department of Labor finds union sites are 19% less likely to have a Safety and Health Administration violation and had 34% fewer violations per inspection than their nonunion counterparts. As a result, a one percent decline in unionization results in about a five percent increase in the rate of occupational fatalities Unfortunately, a BMJ-published study quantifies government policies that have damaged unions equated to roughly 7,300 extra workplace deaths.
Not only do unions uphold one of their main original purposes, but they have also adapted to provide for the needs of the 21 century. A key one is healthcare. Unions utilize their ability to collectively bargain to gain employer-provided healthcare for their employees. Indeed, the Commonwealth fund finds union workers are 92% more likely than nonunion workers to have health benefits. This crucial healthcare often includes health services like screenings, and check-ups. that are used to prevent illnesses, diseases, and other health problems, when a condition is diagnosed early, it is usually easier to treat. Providing healthcare is key as a Harvard Gazette article finds Americans have a 40 percent higher risk of death than their insured counterparts.
In the end, unions have become one of the most politicized issues in recent history. However, it is key to remember, it’s not a matter of left or right, it’s a matter of right or wrong, and clearly, Unions are the right solution for the American workforce and people.